Friday, February 6, 2015

Hosting WCF HTTP receive location inside BizTalk, without using IIS, performance considerations.

Recently my attention was brought to the fact that you can host a WCF webservice that was generated using the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard without using IIS. Sam Vanhoutte wrote a blog about that some time ago.

At the end of his blog, he mentioned that one of the advantages is better performance. And then I started to wonder how much the performance increase would actually be...

So I built a very simple quick-and-dirty BizTalk application, used the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard to create a webservice (hosted in IIS), and created a separate receive location using WCF-Custom. Then I created a small console app that called the service 100 times. And finally I tested it with the IIS-hosted endpoint, and then again with the WCF-Custom endpoint.

The 100 calls to the IIS-hosted endpoint took about 81.3 seconds, the 100 calls to the WCF-Custom endpoint 60.8 seconds... an improvement of about 30%! (I was using some VMs so performance wasn't great... 100 calls in 60 seconds is not something you would like to brag about..)

Obviously the bottle-neck is the performance of the actual orchestration but if you are looking at low-latency scenarios, this might just gain you those extra milliseconds you're looking for...

You can find the code I used here:
BizTalk solution: src (this includes the binding file I used)
Console app: src

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard uses GAC'ed dll

Today I discovered a bug in the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard of BizTalk 2009 (yeah, I know... old stuff ;-).

At some point in the wizard you get to select the orchestrations dll which you want to use for generating the WCF service. I had made some changes to the orchestrations project, which I had compiled. But much to my surprise, the service didn't reflect my changes!

Only after I GAC'ed the dll the wizard worked and generated the service as I expected.

Conclusion: even though the wizard lets you pick the dll, it still uses the version from the GAC.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One-way WCF service from BizTalk orchestration returns 200 OK on an invalid message

Today I ran into some weird behaviour of the WCF service that is generated by the WCF Service Publishing Wizard of BizTalk.

I have an orchestration that has a receive port but no send ports. This means that when I generate a service from this orchestration, it will result in a one-way service.

In the xsd for the incoming message, there is a restriction on a field. Something like this:

<s:simpletype name="FIELDTYPE">
  <s:restriction base="s:string">
    <s:enumeration value="Value1" />
    <s:enumeration value="Value2" />

When I send a valid message to the WCF service, the message is neatly delivered to the BizTalk Messagebox, as expected, and the orchestration can process it. The service returns HTTP status code 202 Accepted. Nice.

But when I send a message that contains

(which by its restriction makes this an invalid message) the message never finds its way to the message box. So it doesn't result in a suspended message, nor does it show up in the Tracked Message Instances. It just disappears.

This isn't really a problem, as after all, it was an invalid message. But it does look a bit weird to see the service return HTTP status code 200 OK....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Problem with LoadXml in BizTalk

I ran into a problem where an XML was written to flat file but instead of the flat file containing one line of data, it contained multiple lines. Or in other words: there were unwanted line-breaks in the line.

It took me a while to figure out where they came from, but finally I found this: I had an input string containing the XML like this:


In BizTalk inside an expression shape, I had code like this:

someMessage = xdoc;

Here someMessage contained:


So <node> contained a line-break...

The solution was simple: set PreserveWhitespace to true like this:

xdoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
someMessage = xdoc;

Thanks to Scott Colestock's blog I found this.

BTW When the input XML was like this:

<root><node /></root>
the problem never occured...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Promoting MessageType property on untyped messages

Imagine the following scenario: you have a number of orchestrations in your BizTalk solution that are all activated by a certain messagetype. And there is one special orchestration that, using some procedure, generates those messages. The idea is that this special orchestration writes the generated message to the messagebox and that way the associated orchestration will be started. Sounds easy, right?

Alas, not everything in life is easy... Here, the problem is your generated messages are untyped, that is, the message type in your orchestration is System.Xml.XmlDocument. When you write this message to the messagebox using a Direct send port, it has no promoted properties which are needed for the routing, so you will end up with a 'Routing Failure' error.

The only property we really need to promote is BTS.MessageType. And here's the problem: within an orchestration you can promote almost every property... except BTS.MessageType, which is read-only! Grrrr.....

You can work around this by writing the message to some file location and then have a receive location using the XMLReceive pipeline. Fine, but obviously we don't want that. We want to fix this in our own orchestration! Can we do this? To quote Mr. Obama: Yes, we can!

In the work-around we use the XMLReceive pipeline. That pipeline promotes the properties, including BTS.MessageType! And BizTalk allows you to invoke a pipeline from within an orchestration! So let's do this!

Alas there is one minor problem here. Invoking a pipeline from within an orchestration's shape forces you to use Atomic scope. Which we don't want, do we? We can avoid this by not invoking the pipeline directly from the orchestration's shape but by using the following class-method:

using Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes;
using Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline;

namespace RonaldLokers.Blogspot.Com.PropertyPromotor
    public class Helper
        public static void DetermineMessageType(XLANGMessage message)
            ReceivePipelineOutputMessages pipelineMessages =
                  , message);

You will need to add references to Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines, Microsoft.BizTalk.Pipeline, Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes, Microsoft.XLANGs.Engine and Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline to your project. The dll's can all be found in your Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 folder.

So now we can use this method in our orchestration: create a variable xdoc of type System.Xml.XmlDocument, create a message msgUntyped of the same type, create a Construct Message shape, and use a Message Assignment shape. In that last one, use the following code:

xdoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
xdoc.LoadXml(your xml input here);
msgUntyped = xdoc;

And the message has promoted properties!

Now there's one last trick... if you send this message using a Direct send port, it will still drop the promoted properties. Why? Beats me! Probably the guys at Microsoft figured that a message of type System.Xml.XmlDocument doesn't need properties. So how can we avoid that?

Create a correlation set, based on a correlation type with Correlation Properties 'BTS.MessageType'. On the send shape in your orchestration, use this correlation set as the Initializing Correlation Set. That way, you force BizTalk to maintain the promoted properties for that message.

And there you go! That's what we need to do to go from untyped message to typed message in the messagebox.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

SSO Secret unavailable

Recently we had to restore an environment for a demo. This environment consists of a couple of servers, the main one (obviously) being a BizTalk 2009 server. Here we ran into this error in the SSO console application:

ERROR: Cannot perform encryption or decryption because the secret is not available from the master secret server.

My first attempt was to restore the secret from an old back-up file as described on MSDN: How to Restore the Master Secret. There you have to enter the password you used when configuring SSO and alas we couldn't retrieve that password.

Basically this means you're up the creek. I could find only one solution to this:
1. Export your bindings, and make notes of the host instances you use;
2. In BizTalk Server Configuration unconfigure Enterprise SSO (which will automatically unconfigure most of the other features);
3. In SQL Server Management Studio delete SSODB and the BizTalk databases (deleting just the SSODB and re-using the BizTalk databases won't work);
4. In BizTalk Server Configuration reconfigure all features from scratch (and this time make sure you have a way to retrieve the SSO Secret backup password!);
5. Recreate the host instances using the exact same names as before (they are hardcoded in the bindings file);
6. Redeploy your application(s);
7. Import your bindings.

If done correctly, you'll have this done in an hour or less. Which sure beats the time I had to spend on this...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Receive pipeline component for Excel files

When you want to import an Excel file into BizTalk, you used to have a problem. The old way Excel files used to be 'composed' was almost impossible to translate to an XML structure.

But the times they are a-changin' and nowadays Excel files are stored in the OpenXml format. Download the OpenXML SDK at and you can go ahead building your own pipeline components for importing of .xlsx and .xlsm files.

Here is an example of how you might do it. I highlighted the parts you should take special notice to.

A short explanation of the properties I'm using here:

If you set this property to 'true', the first row of your sheet is used to define the tag-names of your XML output. Say your spreadsheet looks like this:


With this property set to 'false', the resulting XML looks like this:
<ns0:root xmlns:ns0='nonamespace'>

When you set it to 'true', the XML will look like this:
<ns0:root xmlns:ns0='nonamespace'>

Note that I'm adding the column as a prefix to make sure that the tags are different, even if there are 2 columns with the same header.

The name of the root-element of the resulting XML. It will default to 'root'.

The name of the row-elements of the resulting XML. It will default to 'row'.

The namespace that will be used in the resulting XML. It defaults to 'nonamespace'.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Component;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Messaging;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Utilities;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;

namespace RonaldLokers.Blogspot.Com.PipelineComponents
    public class Excel2007XmlExtractor: Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IComponent, IBaseComponent, IPersistPropertyBag, IComponentUI
        #region private variables
        private System.Resources.ResourceManagerresourceManager = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("RonaldLokers.Blogspot.Com.PipelineComponents.Excel2007XmlExtractor", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

        // Propertie declarations.
        private bool _UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow;
        public bool UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow
            get { return _UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow; }
            set { _UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow = value; }
        private string _RootElementName;
        public string RootElementName
            get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_RootElementName)?"root":_RootElementName; }
            set { _RootElementName = value; }
        private string _RowElementName;
        public string RowElementName
            get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_RowElementName)?"row":_RowElementName; }
            set { _RowElementName = value; }
        private string _NamespaceName;
        public string NamespaceName
            get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_NamespaceName)?"nonamespace":_NamespaceName; }
            set { _NamespaceName = value; }

        #region IBaseComponent members
        /// <summary>
        /// Name of the component
        /// </summary>
        public string Name
                returnresourceManager.GetString("COMPONENTNAME", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        /// <summary>
        /// Version of the component
        /// </summary>
        public string Version
                returnresourceManager.GetString("COMPONENTVERSION", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        /// <summary>
        /// Description of the component
        /// </summary>
        public string Description
                return resourceManager.GetString("COMPONENTDESCRIPTION", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        #region IPersistPropertyBag members
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets class ID of component for usage from unmanaged code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classid">
        /// Class ID of the component
        /// </param>
        public void GetClassID(outSystem.Guid classid)
            classid = newSystem.Guid("0022db2c-1599-4008-9312-ec3f9b66c356");
        /// <summary>
        /// not implemented
        /// </summary>
        public void InitNew()
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads configuration properties for the component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pb">Configuration property bag</param>
        /// <param name="errlog">Error status</param>
        public virtual void Load(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBagpb, int errlog)
            object val;
            val = this.ReadPropertyBag(pb, "UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow");
            if (val != null)
                this.UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow = ((bool)(val));
            val = this.ReadPropertyBag(pb, "RootElementName");
            if (val != null)
                this.RootElementName = ((string)(val));
            val = this.ReadPropertyBag(pb, "RowElementName");
            if (val != null)
                this.RowElementName = ((string)(val));
            val = this.ReadPropertyBag(pb, "NamespaceName");
            if (val != null)
                this.NamespaceName = ((string)(val));
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the current component configuration into the property bag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pb">Configuration property bag</param>
        /// <param name="fClearDirty">not used</param>
        /// <param name="fSaveAllProperties">not used</param>
        public virtual void Save(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBagpb, bool fClearDirty, boolfSaveAllProperties)
            this.WritePropertyBag(pb, "UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow", this.UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow);
            this.WritePropertyBag(pb, "RootElementName", this.RootElementName);
            this.WritePropertyBag(pb, "RowElementName", this.RowElementName);
            this.WritePropertyBag(pb, "NamespaceName", this.NamespaceName);
        #region utility functionality
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads property value from property bag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pb">Property bag</param>
        /// <param name="propName">Name of property</param>
        /// <returns>Value of the property</returns>
        private object ReadPropertyBag(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBagpb, string propName)
            object val = null;
                pb.Read(propName, outval, 0);
            catch (System.ArgumentException)
                return val;
            catch (System.Exception e)
                throw new System.ApplicationException(e.Message);
            return val;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes property values into a property bag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pb">Property bag.</param>
        /// <param name="propName">Name of property.</param>
        /// <param name="val">Value of property.</param>
        private void WritePropertyBag(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBagpb, string propName, object val)
                pb.Write(propName, refval);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                throw new System.ApplicationException(e.Message);
        #region IComponentUI members
        /// <summary>
        /// Component icon to use in BizTalk Editor
        /// </summary>
        public IntPtr Icon
                return((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(this.resourceManager.GetObject("COMPONENTICON", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))).GetHicon();
        /// <summary>
        /// The Validate method is called by the BizTalk Editor during the build
        /// of a BizTalk project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">An Object containing the configuration properties.</param>
        /// <returns>The IEnumerator enables the caller to enumerate through a collection of strings containing error messages. These error messages appear as compiler error messages. To report successful property validation, the method should return an empty enumerator.</returns>
        public System.Collections.IEnumerator Validate(object obj)
            // example implementation:
            // ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList();
            // errorList.Add("This is a compiler error");
            // return errorList.GetEnumerator();
            return null;
        #region IComponent members
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements IComponent.Execute method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">Pipeline context</param>
        /// <param name="inmsg">Input message</param>
        /// <returns>Original input message</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// IComponent.Execute method is used to initiate
        /// the processing of the message in this pipeline component.
        /// </remarks>

         // Here we go... this is where the real work is done!
        public Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessageExecute(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContextpc, Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessageinmsg)

            // The 'SpreadsheetDocument.Open' method throws a System.IndexOutOfRange exception when you use the stream from inmsg directly. This is because this is a Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.StreamViewOfIStream occurence. So first I copy it to a regular MemoryStream.

            Stream instream = CopyStream(inmsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream());

                string xml = string.Empty;
                XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlElement root = xmldoc.CreateElement(RootElementName, NamespaceName);
                using (SpreadsheetDocument doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(instream, false))

                    // I'm not going into all the details of the OpenXml format. You can find it all in the SDK.

                    WorkbookPart wbp = doc.WorkbookPart;
                    SharedStringTablePart shareStringPart = doc.WorkbookPart.GetPartsOfType<SharedStringTablePart>().First();
                    SharedStringItem[] items = shareStringPart.SharedStringTable.Elements<SharedStringItem>().ToArray();

                    Sheet sheet = wbp.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>().First();
                    Worksheet worksheet = ((WorksheetPart)doc.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id)).Worksheet;
                    Hashtable columnHeaders = new Hashtable();

                        // Here is the part where I look for the column headers. I loop through the rows of the sheet to find the top row (RowIndex.Value == 1) and then put all cell values into a Hashtable. (There's probably an easier way to get the first row, but I couldn't figure it out, and this works too ;-)

                        foreach(Row row in worksheet.Descendants<Row>())
                            if(row.RowIndex.Value == 1)
                                foreach(Cell cell in row)
                                    string columnheader = GetCellValue(cell, items).Replace(' ', '_');
                                        string col = GetCellColumn(cell);

                                        // As explained above, I'm adding the column as a prefix.

                                        columnHeaders.Add(col, col + "_" + columnheader);
                    foreach (Row row in worksheet.Descendants<Row>())
                        if(!(_UseColumnNamesFromFirstRow && row.RowIndex.Value == 1))

                            // And here the XmlDocument is being build.

                            XmlElement rownode = xmldoc.CreateElement(RowElementName, NamespaceName);
                            foreach(Cell cell in row)
                                string col = GetCellColumn(cell);
                                string nodename;
                                    nodename = (string)columnHeaders[col];
                                    nodename = "Col" + col;
                                string cellvalue = GetCellValue(cell, items).Trim();
                                    XmlElement node = xmldoc.CreateElement(nodename, NamespaceName);
                                    node.InnerText = cellvalue;

                // Finally write the XmlDocument contents to a stream and replace the pipeline stream with this new stream.

                MemoryStream memStr = new MemoryStream();
                StreamWriter strOut = new StreamWriter(memStr);

                memStr.Position = 0;
                inmsg.BodyPart.Data = memStr;
            //catch (Exception exc)
            // You can do your own error handling here...

            return inmsg;
        private Stream CopyStream(Streaminput)
            Stream output = new MemoryStream();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[32768];
            int read = 1;
            while (read > 0) {
                read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                if (read > 0)          
                    output.Write(buffer, 0, read);
            return output;
        private string GetCellColumn(Cellcell)
            string cellref = cell.CellReference.Value;
            int pos = 0;
            int column;
            while (!int.TryParse(cellref.Substring(pos), out column))
            returncellref.Substring(0, pos);
        private string GetCellValue(Cellcell, SharedStringItem[] items)
            string txt = string.Empty;
            if (cell.CellValue != null)
                txt = cell.CellValue.Text;
            if (cell.DataType != null && cell.DataType.Value == CellValues.SharedString)
                txt = items[int.Parse(txt)].InnerText;
            return txt;
